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A note to the non-ravers out there: codshit is NOT a derogatory or insulting term and bears no relation in offensiveness to its four-letter cousin, it's a word used to describe the nonsense that people sometimes talk when they're off their heads.

So there, we have figured it out, go back to bed America, your government has figured out how it all transpired. Go back to bed America, your government is in control again. Here, here's American Gladiators. Watch this, shut up. Go back to bed America, here's American Gladiators. Here's 56 channels of it. Watch these pituitary retards bang their fuckin skulls together and congratulate you on living in the land of freedom. Here you go America, you are free... to do as we tell you.
.: Bill Hicks :.

Americans have different ways of saying things. They say 'elevator', we say 'lift'...they say 'President', we say 'stupid psychopathic git'....
.: Alexi Sayle :.

If you confront the Universe with good intentions in your heart it will reflect that and reward your intent. It just doesn't always do it in the way you expect.
.: G'kar :.

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Saturday on  

Sweden Offers Free Speech Refuge To US Officials

Fake news but funny anyway....

Blaine Williams hasn't stopped grinning since he arrived in Sweden two weeks ago. Several times a day he'll approach a complete stranger, offer a handshake and a smile, introduce himself as a former CIA analyst from America, and proceed to tell the bewildered Swede all the things he knows that directly contradict President George W. Bush's declarations about Saddam Hussein's intentions and capabilities.

"Free at last!" Williams exclaimed to a reporter as he sat on his front porch and waved to new neighbors. "I was stuck in a totalitarian bureaucracy for 14 months. What a relief it is to say in public who I am and what I think."

Williams is the first of dozens of former U.S. government employees expected to take refuge in Sweden over the next several months, courtesy of a bold project of the new social democratic government.

On October 15, the Swedish Parliament appropriated 500 million dollars for the "Palme Plan." Named for former Swedish president Olaf Palme, it promotes the virtues of free and honest speech among government officials in underdeveloped democracies.

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Sweden Providing Platform for U.S. Officials Cowed by Bush added today
CIA and MI5 linked to Hammarskj�ld death

posted by ewar @ 4:08 PM

Sweden Offers Free Speech Refuge To US Officials
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The secret disservice

Like I keep saying, 1984 was just a typo!

The US government has a new objective in its war on terrorism, an objective it calls "total information awareness". This is a very creepy expression, but it suits the creepy nature of the government's intention, which is to find out absolutely everything about absolutely everybody and store all the information on a "virtual centralised grand database" in the Pentagon. The idea is that, if you know everything about everyone and are able to analyse this knowledge correctly, you should then be able to identify potential terrorists and prevent them doing whatever it is they are about to do.

The Orwellian nature of this scheme has not escaped notice in the US. The columnist William Safire, once a speechwriter for President Nixon and hardly a leftie, has called it "the supersnoop's dream", in which "every purchase you make with a credit card, every magazine subscription you buy and medical prescription you fill, every email you send or receive, every bank deposit you make, every trip you book" will go into the database. The New Yorker has warned that this could help to destroy "the last vestiges of individual and family privacy".

There are doubtless many people who think that practically any sacrifice, even of fundamental civil liberties, is worth it if it helps to put an end to terrorist atrocities. But even they cannot feel reassured by the impenetrable "newspeak" that is used to describe every aspect of the new "Information Awareness Office of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency of the Department of Defense". The logo displayed on its website is already spooky enough - a mystic eye at the top of a pyramid, illuminating the globe. Beneath is a portentous slogan in Latin, "Scientia est Potentia" ("Knowledge is Power"). You can tell already that the IAO thinks of itself as something more than just a section of a section within a sprawling bureaucracy. Then comes its mission statement: "The Information Awareness Office will imagine, develop, apply, integrate, demonstrate and transition [sic] information technologies, components and prototype, closed-loop, information systems that will counter asymmetric threats by achieving total information awareness useful for pre-emption; national security warning; and national security decision making." It would have been clearer had it simply described its mission as electronic snooping on an unprecedented scale. It makes no bones about this. "The key to fighting terrorism is information," it explains.

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posted by ewar @ 4:07 PM

The secret disservice
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North Korea takes aim at Bond

I hate to say it but I have to agree with them on that one. I'm not saying that there isn't a lot about North Korea that puts me off, but this kind of mass propaganda is just stupid and pointless, plus it makes all of us who live in the UK and US who aren't mindless brainwashed idiots look like we are. The film is good, apart from the political stuff which is just a blatant attempt to sell the whole Bush/Poodle Doctrine. Basically it shows you how controlled Hollywood is by The Powers that Be!

The gadgets are great and both Bond girls are complete babes and Aston Martin deserve a big hug for producing a car that even a non-car-driving person -like me- thinks is nice. BUT, I miss the Bond bad guy being an independent ultra-rich nutcase like Scaramanga or Blofeld with some megalomaniacal complex about either taking-over or poisoning the planet. And what the hell happened to SPECTRE anyway?? But I guess that doesn't fit with the "accepted" world-view at the moment so we have to swallow the shyt that Smellywood tells us, NOT!

Blatant, obvious, see-through, thoroughly IRRIRATING PROPAGANDA!

James Bond's latest "enemy" is fighting back.

Fictional North Korean agents torture the British spy in his new film, and now Pyongyang is angry for real.

The film - starring Pierce Brosnan and Halle Berry - "clearly proves" the US is "the root cause of all disasters and misfortune of the Korean nation" and is "an empire of evil", according to the Secretariat of the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland.

In his 20th adventure, Bond tries to stop an illegal arms deal between a South African diamond smuggler and evil North Korean officer, Colonel Moon, feared to be planning an invasion of South Korea and then Japan.

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South Koreans stage huge anti-US rally

posted by ewar @ 4:07 PM

North Korea takes aim at Bond
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Silent screams

Can we please get rid of this pathetically-poodling utterly useless war-mongering government, and can we please NOT replace it with either the Conservatives OR the Liberal Democrats; they're all as bad as each other.

Our self-righteous prime minister is complicit in the endless atrocities in Chechnya

The corpse of someone you do not know is not necessarily a frightening or moving sight, unless some detail brings it home that this stranger was a breathing, thinking, laughing being.
It was like that at a common grave for civilians killed in the Russian bombardment of Grozny in early 1995. When I visited, on VE Day, there were about 700 dead already buried. A dozen bodies were being dug out of the rubble each day, and a Russian policeman was carrying out instant postmortems.

The victims were mainly elderly, wrapped up against the cold in clothes that were already ragged even before the dust and blood caked them. They were grey all over, lumpy, anonymised. I don't know why, but when the policeman, Dima, thrust his gloved forefinger into one of the dead men's mouths and pulled it aside to look at the teeth, the corpse became human again, and the shame and sadness of Russia's state murder of its own people burned in the heart.

It was eight years ago last week that Boris Yeltsin and his ministers ordered the Russian army to restore Moscow's control over Chechnya, a region incorporated into the Tsarist empire by force in the 19th century and mercilessly scoured by Stalin. The army failed in 1994. It is failing now. In the course of this failure, tens of thousands of civilians have been slaughtered, crippled, raped or robbed, and young chancers on both sides have come to hallow terrorism, kidnapping and murder with the cause of nationalism and religion.

There is something else which has not changed: the failure of western governments - the British government prominent among them - to treat Russia's Chechen crimes as the hideous charge sheet against Yeltsin and his successor, Vladimir Putin, that they are. It seemed vile enough back on VE Day 1995 - the 50th anniversary of the end of the second world war - when Bill Clinton and John Major were jollying with Yeltsin in Moscow while the corpses were stacking up in mass graves in Grozny. That was a mere five months into Moscow's struggle with Chechnya. Now, eight years on, Britain has a leader unparalleled in self-righteousness where the oppressed of the world are concerned - in Kosovo, in Iraq, in Afghanistan. On Chechnya, he is worse than silent: he is complicit in the horror by his effusive, superfluous warmth towards Putin.

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posted by ewar @ 3:07 PM

Silent screams
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The Fabulous Revolution of OZ

Americans are always revolting. It's just a matter of what they're revolting against. Give an American something to kick about, some grievance to repulse, and he's happy as a lark.

Of late, Americans have fallen onto bad times because we've lost all sense of direction in our revolting. So, as usual, I am going to provide the answer: A New Revolution.

We need something Spectacular, a really New concept of Revolution. What have Americans revolted against? Well,

- the British (the First Revolution)
- spatial restrictions (the Westward Expansion)
- Bad Times (the '29 Depression)
- our principles (the last fifty years)

We're in such deplorable straits these days because we've revolted against all our original Ideals: an informed electorate, government by consent of the governed, honesty in government and electorate, and freedom through unity. Keeping ourselves informed, free, and the rest, was too hard - so we revolted against the whole shebang. Result: a nation of revolting people who only watch TV and think and do whatever we're told.

So what should we now revolt against?

posted by ewar @ 2:53 PM

The Fabulous Revolution of OZ
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Bush Rape Allegations

Once again I should remind you that NOTHING one this website is supposed to be seen as the TRUTH. There are lots of stories and articles that cannot be verified and just because they appear on doesn't mean that I endorse their authenticity. The goal of this site it to point you, the reader, in the direction of under-reported or not-reported news, articles and information. You MUST make up your OWN mind on everything you read here. This news may be controversial in nature but in no way is this an act of slander / libel as I offer no commentary on these documents.

UPDATE: Editor Says Bush Rape Suit Story Published 'Prematurely'


A Fort Bend County woman files a lawsuit on former Governor and current sitting President George W. Bush.

Margie Schoedinger of Missouri City, Texas has filed a lawsuit against George W. Bush in Fort Bend County Court. In her suit she is alleging "race based harassment and individual sex crimes committed against her and her husband." The suit lists numerous offenses and asks for actual damages, punitive damages and judgments against George W. Bush.

In her suit, among the many allegations, she has stated, "On or about, October 26, 2000, an attempt was made to abduct Plaintiff (Schoedinger) by three unknown assailants. Because of the actions of these assailants, Sugar Land police officers were dispatched to the scene. In the end, no report was taken. The assailants were treated respectfully and allowed to go free while Plaintiff (Schoedinger) was repeatedly and aggressively questioned. After filing a lawsuit, the Plaintiff�s family and past contacts were questioned and harassed." As a result, Plaintiff dismissed Plaintiff�s lawsuit. Irrespective of Plaintiff dismissing the lawsuit, the harassment continued." Schoedinger, goes on to allege "at some point, she contacted the Houston office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, filing a raced based harassment complaint, advising that the Sugar Land Police Department may or may not be harassing Plaintiff on behalf of her neighbors in Sugar Land or possibly on behalf of the First Colony Community Services Association."

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US President Implicated in Sex Scandal? added today

posted by ewar @ 2:30 PM

Bush Rape Allegations
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The Vocabulary of Bombs

There's no doubt that Harold Pinter is a credit to our species.

by Harold Pinter

Earlier this year, I had a major operation for cancer. The operation and its after effects were something of a nightmare. I felt I was a man unable to swim bobbing about under water in a deep dark endless ocean. But I did not drown and I am very glad to be alive.

However, I found that to emerge from a personal nightmare was to enter an infinitely more pervasive public nightmare--the nightmare of American hysteria, ignorance, arrogance, stupidity and belligerence; the most powerful nation the world has ever known effectively waging war against the rest of the world.

"If you are not with us, you are against us," President George W. Bush has said. He has also said: "We will not allow the world's worst weapons to remain in the hands of the world's worst leaders." Quite right. Look in the mirror, chum. That's you.

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posted by ewar @ 1:56 PM

The Vocabulary of Bombs
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Cover-up of Convenience: The Hidden Scandal of Lockerbie

John Ashton�s and Ian Ferguson�s work on the circumstances surrounding the destruction on December 21, 1988, of Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland is worthy of careful study. It raises serious doubts, not only regarding the recent conviction of the Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi, now incarcerated in Barlinnie jail, Glasgow, but over the entire official presentation of events before and after the crash, from 1988 to the present day. They give indicators as to how the full facts regarding the atrocity which killed 270, perhaps 271, people might be uncovered and conclude with a series of searching questions which any genuinely independent inquiry into the Lockerbie disaster should direct toward various governments, intelligence services, and individuals.

Ashton and Ferguson have followed Lockerbie for years. Ashton worked as the deputy to the late British film maker Allan Francovich, whose film The Maltese Double Cross, examined various alternative scenarios that have been advanced as an explanation for the Lockerbie disaster, favouring that the bombing was a consequence of a CIA controlled drug running operation utilised to spy on Palestinian, Lebanese and Syrian armed political groupings and factions.

Ferguson is a journalist, who has written many articles on Lockerbie, and along with Scottish lawyer Robert Black, architect of the Camp Zeist trial, maintains the website.

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Did Libya Really Destroy Pan Am 103? Or Is There a Cover-Up? added today
Who Really Destroyed Pan Am Flight 103? � Continued added today
The Israeli Deception That Led to the Bombing of Pan American Flight 103 Over Lockerbie, Scotland
Iraqi double agent named as Lockerbie bomber

posted by ewar @ 1:48 PM

Cover-up of Convenience: The Hidden Scandal of Lockerbie
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How Washington broke UN arms embargo

A good illustration of the Hegelian nature of our governments; problem-reaction-solution. Saddam and Osama are both creations of and subservient to the system which now wages a "war" against them. They created the "terrorists" so why is it that we're blaming the "terrorists" and not their master. The mainstream media never investigates far back enough in the money supply chain, or if they do then the information is deliberately covered up. So this morning tha BBC is bangin' on about some inconsequential bollocks like a load of cars being sunk in the Channel, like that's such a bad thing....!?! I think it's GOOD that there will be 5000 less cars on the road. Plus the fishies will like the artificial reef :-)

US intelligence agencies secretly broke a UN arms embargo during the 1991-1995 war in Croatia by channelling arms through Islamist jihad groups that Washington is now hunting across Europe and Asia, according to evidence from the Netherlands.

The evidence surfaced in a section of the official Dutch report on the 1995 Srebrenica massacre that led to the fall of the Dutch government and the resignation of its army chief.

The report reveals how the Pentagon formed a secret alliance with Islamist groups in an Iran-Contra-style operation.

US, Turkish and Iranian intelligence groups worked with the Islamists in what the Dutch report calls the "Croatian pipeline". Arms bought by Iran and Turkey and financed by Saudi Arabia were flown into Croatia initially by Iran Air and then in a fleet of C-130 Hercules aircraft.

The report says mujahideen fighters were also flown in and that the US was "very closely involved" in the operation.

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posted by ewar @ 1:47 PM

How Washington broke UN arms embargo
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Friday on  

CIA Behind Moscow Terrorists

I'm not sure about this one but it wouldn't suprise me in the slightest if they were... If anyone knows anything else about this then please let me know...

A senior writer in the PA's official daily claims that the attack in Moscow by Islamic terrorists was a CIA plot. According to the writer, the US hopes that having the Russians suffer a Muslim terror attack will convince them to vote with the US in the UN in support of attacking Iraq. France, who also has been opposing the US on the coming UN vote, may be next in line to suffer a Muslim terrorist attack initiated by the US, according to the Palestinian Authority daily.

The following is from the text of the article: "[Russian] President Putin's ambassador to the Security Council is threatening to vote against the American's proposed resolution to attack Iraq. This is how we view the operation in the Moscow theater; we are of the opinion that the sympathy and friendship that bond Washington to several Islamic movements in Europe, among them the Chechens, cannot possibly be one-sided and there has to be some sort of repayment of the American friendship by the "Mujahedin" [quotes in source] of Chechnya, Bosnia, Hercegovina and Kosovo. The CIA will never acknowledge its responsibility for this operation which claimed over 170 lives, including those of the perpetrators.... However, the American message reached Moscow and was, perhaps, read the same way by the decision makers in France, who oppose the American pressure in the Security Council and insistently resist giving the Americans an international power of attorney to destroy the most ancient of Arab countries.

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posted by ewar @ 1:09 PM

CIA Behind Moscow Terrorists
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Did Saddam's army test poison gas on missing 5,000?

by Robert Fisk

click here to visit his website Why didn't Tony Blair and George Bush mention Saddam Hussein's most terrible war crime? Why, in all their "dossiers", did they not refer to the 5,000 young men and women who were held at detention centres when their families � of Iranian origin � were hurled over the border to Iran just before President Saddam invaded Iran in 1980?

Could it be because these 5,000 young men and women were used for experiments in gas and biological warfare agents whose ingredients were originally supplied by the United States?

Just months before his September 1980 invasion of Iran � in which tens of thousands of Iranian soldiers died an appalling death by gas burns and blisters � Saddam's Interior Ministry issued directive No 2884, dated 10 April 1980, stating that "all youths aged between 18 and 28 are exempt from deportation and must be held at detention centres until further notice".

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posted by ewar @ 12:31 PM

Did Saddam's army test poison gas on missing 5,000?
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CIA and MI5 linked to Hammarskj�ld death

I wasn't even alive when this happened but it's always seemed like something else was going on, Hammarskj�ld was the second ever head head of the UN and probably the only UN Secretary General who ever actually tried to do his job properly. He was mediating a solution to the conflict in Congo (engineered by the CIA) when his plane crashed while landing at Ndola airport in Zambia. Anytime I hear that someone important has died in either a plane or a car "accident" it sets off alarm bells like you wouldn't believe! All of this also relates to what Diana called the British Crown's "nefarious activities in Africa".

Anyone who tries to get in Their way will die, it's as simple as that.

Documents the Truth Commission stumbled across linking South African agents to the airline death of UN chief Dag Hammarskj�ld, also reveal that the project was hatched at the highest levels of the CIA and MI5.

The alleged plot to assassinate United Nations secretary general Dag Hammarskj�ld 37 years ago was the brainchild of at least two British security agencies � MI5 and the Special Operations Executive � and the CIA, top-secret documents show.

For once, apartheid's dirty tricks brigade appears to have been falsely accused of involvement in the murder.

A series of messages between a commodore and a captain, whose names have been expunged by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, point to a plot hatched on South African soil by a group which had access to vast amounts of money and the ability to muster mercenary forces to protect international investment in turbulent post-colonial Africa.

The messages, all on letterheads of the South Africa Institute for Maritime Research (SAIMR), cover the period from July 1960 to September 17 1961 � the day on which Hammarskj�ld's aircraft crashed while approaching the airport at Ndola in the then Northern Rhodesia.

In addition to outlining Operation Celeste � the plan to get rid of the "troublesome" Hammarskj�ld � the documents implicate the SAIMR and international intelligence agencies in the death of Patrice Lumumba, the pro-communist first president of the Congo. Lumumba was deposed in September 1960 and allegedly shot while escaping from custody in the breakaway province of Katanga in 1961.

The documents, found by a truth commission researcher investigating an apparently unrelated matter, implicate then CIA chief Allen Dulles in Operation Celeste. They also claim that the explosives used for the bomb that downed the aircraft were supplied by a Belgian mining conglomerate, Union Miniere. The company had extensive interests in copper-rich Katanga, and is known to have backed to Tshombe's use of mercenaries, including the group led by South Africa's Colonel "Mad Mike" Hoare.

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posted by ewar @ 10:39 AM

CIA and MI5 linked to Hammarskj�ld death
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A Presidential Impostor Turns Political Assassin

by Ted Rall

First he appointed himself President. Now George W. Bush has declared himself God.

As Americans begin their third year of Supreme Court-ordered political occupation, Bush has just signed an impressive new executive order. You may be surprised to learn that it grants him the right to order your execution. No judge, jury or lawyer. No chance to prove your innocence. One stroke of Bush's pen, and bang--you're dead.

Not even your American citizenship, according to Bush, will save your life if and when he decides to kill you. The only reason you're reading this right now--instead of meeting the Entity Formerly Known as God--is that neither Bush nor one of his "high-level officials" has yet signed a piece of paper declaring you an "enemy combatant." Once they do the paperwork, Administration officials assert, they have the right to murder you.

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posted by ewar @ 9:45 AM

A Presidential Impostor Turns Political Assassin
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Argentina defaults on loans again

Argentina will default for a second time on a $700m (�441m) payment due to the World Bank, effectively isolating the country from all major international lenders.

"We are not going to pay," Cabinet Chief Alfredo Atanasof told reporters.

The default comes almost a year to the day that rioting over the economic policies of President Fernando de la Rua caused him to resign.

Argentina is now considered to be in the same league as Iraq in terms of defaulting on multilateral loans.

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posted by ewar @ 7:59 AM

Argentina defaults on loans again
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Thursday on  

Low Flying Plane 'Sneaked' in Under Radar to Bomb Coast Hotel

Yet another obscure news report which contradicts the official line. Now they're talking about a small plane flying overhead and dropping cluster bombs on the Hotel. We're talking about seriously well organised "terrorists" here; a small plane dropping cluster bombs, a Pajero loaded with explosives, suicide bombers, two SA7-Strela missiles fired at a commercial plane, and all they managed to do was kill 15 people? The only Israelis killed were some kids who had walked in to watch the dancers, otherwise it would only have been the Kenyan dancers! How likely is that, really? If they were so well organised you would have thought that one of the missiles would, at the very least, have hit the plane! It just doesn't add up people!

Mombasa bombing! A light aircraft spotted hovering over the Paradise Hotel dropping bombs as it crossed the early morning sky returned to safety inside neighbouring Somalia after accomplishing its mission, well informed sources said.

The plane had flown with its cargo all the way from Somalia into Kenyan airspace, having taken off from Mogadishu as part of the highly co-ordinated terrorist attack on the Israeli-owned Paradise Hotel tourist resort at Kikambala, north of Mombasa, our sources said.

One of the cluster bombs dropped by the plane missed its target and fell into the sprawling hotel's swimming pool and did not explode. It was recovered later by intelligence officials and is said to have been behind the brief differences between Kenya and Israeli officials over its custody. It is understood it was eventually taken by FBI agents for analysis.

Kenyan police have been issuing contradictory statements over the light plane angle. At one time, they said no bombs were dropped, only to say later they were looking for three planes which flew past the hotel around the time of the terrorist attack. Twelve people, including the terrorists themselves, were killed in the 8.35 am Thursday morning explosion that destroyed the entire Paradise Hotel, which is owned by an Israeli and where a large number of Israeli tourists were checking in.

Full story...

Mossad Bombs Paradise Hotel in Mombasa
Israel Tries To Steal Mombasa "Evidence"

posted by ewar @ 12:45 PM

Low Flying Plane 'Sneaked' in Under Radar to Bomb Coast Hotel
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Bali Bomb - Lawyers convinced 'something fell from sky'

Now this is interesting, the report partially concurs with the Vialls Report, but instead of suggesting that the second "high-tech" device - probably some sort of SADM micro-nuke according to Vialls - was planted in a sewer, they suggest that "something fell from the sky". In either case this is more credible than the "car bomb" story because no car bomb will ever create a 5 foot deep crater, it's a physical impossibility. A bomb dropped from an aircraft (ultra-new stealthy plane?) would cause a crater that deep. In some ways I think it is more likely that the device was a bomb dropped from a stealthy aircraft, it would be much easier for those ultimately manipulating the guys who planted the conventional explosives. Maybe they parked a vehicle on the spot and then dropped the bomb through it (a la Tom Clancy's "The Sum of All Fears") to make it look like a huge carbomb... Given that all the rubble has been dumped far out to see we won't be able to tell if the micro-nuke theory was correct. The western media is focusing on warnings that didn't get passed on and is blindly ignoring this and other evidence that suggests this bombing was not the work of Islamic "terrorists". The guys in custody are patsies pure and simple, I'm sure they were responsible for the conventional blasts but the main one, the real killer could not have been made by them, it was simply too complex and powerful a bomb.

The more news that comes out about the Bali Bombing the less I am inclined to believe the official story, it simple doesn't add up. They are playing the usual game of repeating the same inaccurate shyt endlessly until everyone simply accepts it as fact. They honestly think we're all idiots who they can dismiss as "kooks"!

Bali bombing! A lawyer representing Imam Samudra, who is being detained by police for his alleged role in planning the Oct. 12 Legian bombings, has expressed skepticism over their client's ability to assemble the explosives, saying the police should have the suspect re-enact his role in the events leading up to the powerful bombing.

The lawyer also alleged that Imam Samudra and the other suspects had been manipulated by a "third party", which wanted to force the nation to accept its own political agenda regarding the existence of terrorist networks and the discrediting of Islam in Indonesia.

"Our concern particularly lies in the fact that the suspects have confessed to acquiring materials and assembling the explosives. But these are materials that would be used for a conventional bomb while media reports and experts have described the bomb that exploded in front of the Sari Club in Kuta as a high-tech device of great power," Achmad Mihdan of the Muslim Lawyers' Team (TPM) told The Jakarta Post here on Tuesday.

According to Achmad, the only way to reassure himself and his colleagues, the public and law enforcers themselves would be for the police to have the suspect re-enact his role in the bombing.

Imam Samudra, whose real name is Abdul Azis, has admitted to planning the bombing of Paddy's and the Sari Club in Kuta, as well as assembling the bombs.

"We remain skeptical that the explosives our client claimed he assembled could have produced a blast as powerful as one resulting from a bomb made from RDX, for example," Mihdan said.

Mihdan, accompanied by four other TPM lawyers -- Qadhar Faisal, Made Rachman Marasabessy, Nasrun Kalianda and Andi Windu -- was speaking after their arrival here on Tuesday. The lawyers also paid a visit on Insp. Gen. I Made Mangku Pastika, who heads the police team investigating the Bali blasts.

"There is also a possibility that the bomb in Kuta was made of two separate types of explosives, conventional and hi-tech ones. The suspects are supposed to take responsibility for the conventional one while the hi-tech was, somehow, implanted by those who manipulated our clients. And our clients might know nothing about this manipulation. The police should also take this possibility into consideration," he said.

"There is an eyewitness who saw something fall from the sky right before the explosion," he added.

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Bali Micro Nuke - Cops Claim Exploding Detergent!

posted by ewar @ 9:31 AM

Bali Bomb - Lawyers convinced 'something fell from sky'
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Bush Borrows a Page From '1984'

See, I told you 1984 was a typo!

No one has ever accused the Bush administration of being forthcoming. Even before it took power, its various spokespeople were celebrating tight-lippedness, promising to end the leaks that keep the press in business - and, to a large extent, American citizens informed. In short, we were told, the ascension of George W. Bush would usher in a new way of doing business, information-wise.

One might applaud the Bushies for truth in advertising - they said there would be less unauthorized information about its activities, and lo, there is less information. Vice President Dick Cheney, for instance, has prevented any interested eyes from seeing the details of his "energy plan" meetings, and White House spokesman Ari Fleischer has become a minor celebrity for his ability to speak for hours without revealing a thing. And the president himself has managed to get through almost two years of office, one terrorist attack and one-going-on-two wars with only a handful of press conferences and few non-scripted appearances.

But this penchant for secrecy has lately veered toward obfuscation, misdirection and the deliberate rewriting of history. Instead of saying nothing, the administration has taken a much more aggressive and, in the long run, harmful approach: deleting facts from reports and trying to influence or predetermine the outcome of intelligence, research and science.

Full story...

posted by ewar @ 9:31 AM

Bush Borrows a Page From '1984'
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Letter from London: You Americans

by Adam Porter

This week another reason to go to war has been published. The Pew Foundation, a `thinktank` founded by the right wing oil baron and industrialist Oliver Pew, has produced a report, `What The World Thinks` claiming everyone hates `America`. Or at least that is the way it is being reported.

`Why do they hate us` is the mantra repeated over and over again by Fox News, South Park and the American government. Now this report had produced some actual concrete results. But it is as if the U.S. government is shocked and appalled at the findings, an interview it is claimed of 38,000 civilians in various countries. Surely not?

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posted by ewar @ 9:20 AM

Letter from London: You Americans
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Washington at war

The USA is obviating the UN, ignoring most of its allies and declaring itself to be the only state that is allowed to make any decisions. The UN action is just a charade to hide the fact that no matter what the outcome of the inspectors this war has been planned and will be executed according to a schedule that has alread been set. All that's happening at the moment is that the US is positioning its pieces, once that's done it'll strike.

by Timothy Garton Ash

Uncle Sam is coming to get you! Coming to the hyperpower capital from peace-torn Europe, I find three things. Washington is at war. Washington is going to war. And Washington is starting to think about a peace to end both wars. People in Britain, and the world beyond, need to wake up to all three.

There is some confusion here between two wars. Sometimes when Washingtonians say "the war" they mean the war against terrorism, which they are still living intensely in everyday life. Sometimes they mean the coming war with Iraq. WT and WI, as a friend tags them.

The most pressing conclusion is that Washington is going to war against Saddam Hussein. Saddam's solemn claim that he has no more weapons of mass destruction is a blow to those who still hoped for a peaceful solution and a gift to those who think toppling him by force of arms is the only path to effective disarmament. My clear impression from talking to people inside and close to the Bush administration is that this war - WI - is now a matter of when and how rather than whether.

Full story...

Iraq's Oil - A Enormous Treasure
Who Is Marching Us To War? The Unthinkable
Turkey's Price To Support Bush's Iraq War: $25 Billion
Iraq Rages At US For Seizing Its WMD Report From UN
US Will Not Be Allowed To Attack Iraq From Pakistan

posted by ewar @ 9:14 AM

Washington at war
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Her Play Acting Was a Joke

New stories appear at the bottom of this post, as the story unfolds those of us who cynically said it was a class A acting demonstration seem to have been proven right. It seems that Cherie knew more than she said about pretty much everything.

by Paul Routledge

click here to visit the mirror It was a great sob performance. You could see that she is her father's daughter: an actress, with natural stage skills.

I watched her act in the Strangers' Bar of the House of Commons. Labour MPs were visibly relieved that her emotional stage management was so professional. It did not convince me. Maybe I am an old cynic, but I saw through Cheries's self-indulgent tears about her misconduct to the political reality. She stood up to defend herself - but much more to get Tony Blair off the hook of corruption. He is the true target of criticism, and, like a dutiful wife, she took the rap.

Cherie Blair has been foolish, lacking in judgment and just plain daft. Last night, she pleaded guilty to all those failings. Never mind that she was 40 minutes late for her own funeral - the real issue is that she did NOT answer the big question about her half-million-pound splash on two flats in Bristol.

Full story...

Cherie's true role in Foster extradition case - NEW

You may be busy Cherie, but you still lied
Cherie Blair hit by new claims over links with conman
60% aren't taken in by Mrs Blair She will pay back Foster's bill
It's a simple question of faith Tony

posted by ewar @ 8:45 AM

Her Play Acting Was a Joke
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A Monster Of Obscene & Grotesque Proportions

I'm going to shut up and let you read this, it's superb :-)

The Bush / Blair Gang

by Harold Pinter

Fetch Tony Fetch.... Good boy.... There's an old story about Oliver Cromwell. After he had taken the Irish town of Drogheda the citizens were brought to the main square. Cromwell announced to his lieutenants: "Right! Kill all the women and rape all the men." One of his aides said: "Excuse me, general. Isn't it the other way around?" A voice from the crowd called out: "Mr Cromwell knows what he's doing."

That voice is the voice of Tony Blair -- "Mr Bush knows what he's doing."

The fact is that Mr Bush and his gang do know what they're doing and Blair, unless he really is the deluded idiot he often appears to be, also knows what they're doing. Bush and company are determined, quite simply, to control the world and the world's resources. And they don't give a damn how many people they murder on the way. And Blair goes along with it.

He hasn't the support of the Labour Party, he hasn't the support of the country or of the celebrated "international community". How can he justify taking this country into a war nobody wants? He can't. He can only resort to rhetoric, cliche and propaganda. Little did we think when we voted Blair into power that we would come to despise him. The idea that he has influence over Bush is laughable. His supine acceptance of US bullying is pathetic.

Full story...

Vladimir Putin Creating Anti-USA Axis?
Putin pushes strategic triangle with China, India

posted by ewar @ 7:01 AM

A Monster Of Obscene & Grotesque Proportions
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Wednesday on  

Web of deceit lies behind death of a traitor to many masters

Sometimes it seems to me like most of the Arab "terrorists" are either collaborators or are directly employed by Israel... Or is it just me...?

by Robert Fisk

click here to visit his website To the rest of the world, the bomb that wounded two Israeli soldiers on the Lebanese-Israeli border was just another example of Hizbollah "terrorism", a provocation that showed Hizbollah had � in Israel's words � "crossed a red line". Israel warned of retaliation. But the truth was quite different, and infinitely more sensational.

For the bomb was connected to the murder last Friday of a notorious Lebanese drug smuggler who had not only captured an Israeli collaborator accused of murdering one of the most militant Shias in Beirut but was involved in the capture of three Israeli soldiers. Even more dramatic � for the Israelis � is that the murdered man, Ramzi Nohra, used to work for Israeli intelligence.

Full story...

Victor Ostrovsky on Mossad - By Way of Deception, thou shalt do War - NEW
Mossad posing as "Palestinian Terrorists" - NEW

posted by ewar @ 11:01 PM

Web of deceit lies behind death of a traitor to many masters
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Bush, It Seems Has Lost Venezuela

Chavez must have been a cat in his previous incarnation, I've never seen anything like it before in my life. Coup, counter coup, attempted coup all met with millions of ordinary Venezuelans who want their president to stay. Is this a template for the rest of us? Chavez has a very progressive constitution aimed at redistributing wealth away from the rich fat capitalist bastards and turning it over to the poor so they can use it to feed themselves. Yes he's unpopular with some, but only with the Reevils who are the ones with something to loose!

By the way people, this is also a classic case of media-manipulation of the general population; if you get your news off the Beeb or any other "reputable" news source you'll know that Chavez is a neo-communist dictator who is highly unpopular with his people - it's the biggest load of Rhino shit I've ever heard in my life! Oh yeah, and this is also going to make a war with Iraq much more likely because Venezuela is a major US oil supplier, and of course Phony Tony is going to go along with it because that's what he does.

posted on by Joseph Ehrlich

One of our clients just forwarded us this report. If true and accurate and we have no reason to believe it not to be so, Bush has lost Venezuela. Thereby, he is under incredible pressure to attack Iraq.

Now, as to the boarding of the North Korean cargo ship. We believe this may be a set up. For what? North Korea no doubt may board a cargo ship for Taiwan with US military supplies.

This is seriously out of hand. Bush must be ordered to stand down. He is losing. You have to know when to call a major time out.

Now, we want to say this one more time. If Bush goes into Iraq and it appears he has captured Baghdad, do not become complacent due to the appearance of a victory. We assure you that China and the Arab/islamic nations have planned against such an event.

This is all serious, serious, serious. This is not a video game. Moreover, war, battle and conflict is not the same it was before. It is time we show intelligence and put our best minds to the task and open up truth to public discussion, where it will become apparent that we are upon the wrong, not the right path.

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Lea Ud. el Art�culo en Espa�ol

Venezuela: Is the CIA preparing another coup?

posted by ewar @ 10:24 AM

Bush, It Seems Has Lost Venezuela
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Ghost Of Robert Maxwell - British & US Publisher Book War

An update to a previous codshit post. This is just the most audacious burial of a book I've ever heard of. Sounds like a great book! Victor Ostrovsky goes into quite a lot of detail about the Maxwell case, there's no doubt in my mind that he was a Mossad asset, there's also no doubt that he was terminated by them because his empire was crumbling and he went to them for a bail-out.

What makes me sick is that the Mirror pensioners have been left to pay for it. It's disgusting how little regard rich people have for poor people, they seem to just think of them as an irrelevancy - if they think of them at all that is!

Robert Maxwell - Dead guy, murdered by the Mossad or so they say... The British publisher of a book about the murder of Robert Maxwell, the former owner of the New York Daily News and the MacMillan publishing company, has described the behaviour of the US publisher he sold the book to as "highly irresponsible".

Jeremy Robson has seen the UK version of the book go through three large reprints in two weeks.

But Herman Graf, President of Carroll & Graf in New York, has refused to say how many copies he has printed - or explained a deepening mystery that equals that surrounding the death of Robert Maxwell.

Full story...

Publisher Charged With 'Sabotaging' New Israeli Spy Book

posted by ewar @ 10:05 AM

Ghost Of Robert Maxwell - British & US Publisher Book War
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Fresh revelations on secret British terror organisation in Northern Ireland

In case you Brits out there hadn't worked it out we live in the one of the most secretive states in the world. We have the largest number of surveillance cameras per head of population than anywhere in the world, our government can invoke the monstrous "Official Secrets Act" any time it likes at which point it becomes a law unto itself. Add to that the fact that they're also the most effective propagandists ever to exist, and what you have is a government that says one thing and then proceeds to do exactly the opposite!

During the past three weeks, the Guardian newspaper has run several articles on the Force Research Unit (FRU), an undercover security operation financed and run by the British state in Northern Ireland for more than two decades.

The articles detail how this terror network�involving up to 100 soldiers and double agents� organised a series of covert intelligence and military operations and authorised their agents to carry out numerous illegal activities including bomb making, murder, and the shooting of Royal Ulster Constabulary (RUC) officers.

Through interviews with alleged former members of the FRU, the Guardian reports that the FRU was in active operation until the British and Irish governments signed the Northern Ireland Agreement three years ago. Afterwards ex-FRU members complain they were discarded by the British secret services and left without any protection.

The Ministry of Defence (MoD) and successive British governments have never officially acknowledged the existence of the FRU network and have remained silent on these latest allegations. But the Guardian articles appear at a time when the history and operation of the FRU are coming under closer scrutiny.

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posted by ewar @ 9:56 AM

Fresh revelations on secret British terror organisation in Northern Ireland
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Ariel Sharon: "We Control America"

Another story you won't have heard about unless you are pro-active in gathering your news. America you government has been hijacked!

On October 3, 2001, I.A.P. News reported that according to Israel Radio (in Hebrew) Kol Yisrael an acrimonious argument erupted during the Israeli cabinet weekly session last week between Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and his foreign Minister Shimon Peres.

Peres warned Sharon that refusing to heed incessant American requests for a cease-fire with the Palestinians would endanger Israeli interests and "turn the US against us. "Sharon reportedly yelled at Peres, saying "don't worry about American pressure, we the Jewish people control America."

The long history of bipartisan Congressional support for Israel led former Secretary of State James Baker to call the Congress "The Little Knesset" after Israel's Knesset (parliament) in Jerusalem. Congress's embarrassing and unpatriotic display of allegiance to a foreign country that is dependent on American largesse and support is the unknown scandal to the American people. With the media's strong, biased and sympathetic portrayal of Israel while simultaneously denying any opposing view of Israel or human pictures and stories of the endless suffering of Palestinians, its no wonder that we the American people are so unaware of the true face of Israel. Thus shockingly but not surprisingly only 4 % of the American people are aware of Israel's 34 year brutal military occupation of the Palestinian people.

Full story...

Ariel Sharon: "We Control America"
What Ariel Sharon Said
�Don't worry...we control America�
American might moves all Nations to War and Peace, Except one

posted by ewar @ 9:37 AM

Ariel Sharon: "We Control America"
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Media accuse US of 'piracy'

Piracy is right, the USA is a bully pure and simple. Unfortunately unlike the kid that used to pick on you in school, this one has a mental age of 2 and more nuclear weapons than is required to completely annihilate the earth!

Washington's grab for the Iraqi arms dossier at the United Nations was "an act of piracy," a Qatari newspaper charged Tuesday.

"The method by which Washington obtained the dossier can only be termed an act of piracy," said Al-Raya daily.

"This method is all the more suspicious because the US administration does not hide its belligerent intentions towards Iraq," the Doha-based paper said.

"It would not be surprising to see the Pentagon benefit from information contained in the dossier to direct its attacks against positions of the Iraqi army."

Al-Raya also accused Washington of "lacking sincerity and showing basis even in the Security Council."

Full story...

Previous codshit posting...

Whatever the Case, America Will Have Its War

posted by ewar @ 9:20 AM

Media accuse US of 'piracy'
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Africans Declare War on Freemasons

voxfux shows us once again that he is the most ecclectic and well-informed of dissidents...

by voxfux

Amidst a growing global awareness of the problem of the worlds covert religious cults, mainstream Anglican, Catholic and Presbyterian churches in Africa have joined with leaders of Kenya's Mungiki youth movement in calling for the abolition of the Freemasons. The Parish Pastor of Nairobi�s St Andrew�s Presbyterian Church of East Africa (PCEA), one of the oldest traditional churches in Kenya, said recently that Freemasonry needs to be abolished, citing, "It has no moral standing in the wider community," he said.

The Mungiki movement with some 4 million followers, has accused the Freemasons of involvement in the disappearance of children and a mysterious string of murders that have recently rocked Nairobi.

The pronouncement came after a consortium of churches, during an interdenominational conference, called for the total ban on Freemasonry in Kenya. The Nanyuki conference, attended by officials of the National Council of Churches, Evangelical Fellowship of Kenya, the Catholic Church and representatives of the Independent Churches of Kenya, lashed out at the Freemason society, accusing it of "engaging in undercurrent activities." The churches pointed out that Freemasonry is a secretive society whose activities may not be good to the welfare of the human society.

Full story...

Kenya: U.S. To Back Moi's Power Play In Return For Security Cooperation

posted by ewar @ 9:10 AM

Africans Declare War on Freemasons
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Legendary Civil Rights Leader Calls for Non-Violent Regime Change in the U.S.

I'm not a civil rights leader or an American but I do agree with him, we need collective, massive, totally non-violent, world-wide action. The sheeple must be woken from their slumber and helped into a greater understanding of their plight. Those in power realise that while they control the flow of information, they control the masses. That's the way it has always been - until now.

I believe that the Internet will prove to be the deciding factor in the coming firestorm, there have been concerted moves to discredit the Net as a source of information. The escalation in spam, the continuous talk of kiddie porn, the chat-room abductions; all of it attempting to cast the Internet and those who use it -like you and me- in a bad light. Seems to me someone is desperate to brand us all as "kooks" and "nuts" and "perverts". Tension grows and everyone official is talking about "war", "terrorism" and "national security" but what they are not doing is giving us any REAL proof of what's going on. They destroy evidence, have closed hearings, military tribunals and generally make a mockery of basic human rights, and we have to just shut up and do as we're told because we're not intelligent enough or trustworthy enough to know what they know. It takes the old adage "Do what I say, not what I do." to new heights of geo-political silliness, they expect us to accept being spied on 24/7 but they won't divulge the details of why it's so important.

All of the signs point to what one eloquent comentator dubbed the "End Game", I believe they are right. This is the last chance that the Real Evildoers (Reevils) have to create their "New World Order" before the masses wake up and realise that they've been conned. I bet you the Reevils are absolutely kicking themselves that they ever let the Internet break out of the box they created it in because soon it's going to turn round and bite them in the cojones!

I guess what I'm trying to say is don't stop asking questions, of yourself, of your mates and most of all of those tossers who are supposed to be REPRESENTING US! Don't rely on The Beeb, The Times, me, Phony Tony -or any other Crony- to tell you what to believe; work it out yourself -- or make it up, either way it's better than parroting some other sucker's point of view. We don't need "world leaders", what we need is "world healers" and a new system that doesn't let one single group control too much power, the world must be shared not dominated.

Rev. James Lawson was one of the eaarly leaders of the civil rights movement that changed American society 40 years ago. On Monday night, he spoke to local anti-war activists. His formula for radical change was still the same: mass non-violent direct action.

On the eve of International Human Rights Day, local peace activists heard an inspiring sermon Monday night from a man who has practiced what he preached for five decades.

Speaking to about 120 people in a small, ecumenical chapel across the street from the United Nations, Rev. James Lawson called on his audience to embrace �passionate non-violence� as a means to transforming a society corrupted by violence and greed.

�If this government is to be changed�it will be because we the people mobilize not in the tens of thousands but in the millions and make this country unmanageable. Nothing else will do,� Lawson said.

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posted by ewar @ 6:52 AM

Legendary Civil Rights Leader Calls for Non-Violent Regime Change in the U.S.
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Tuesday on  

Iraq Indicates Names of Arms Suppliers in Document

Now you know why the USA had to take responsibility for editing out "sensitive" material. THINK ABOUT IT PEOPLE, Iraq isn't being asked to declare HOW to make a nucleur bomb but it does have to declare WHO sold it the nuke stuff and nasty biowar agents; that's the material that will be edited out I guarantee you that! The USA and UK HAVE NO PROOF that Saddam has WMD now and there is lot's of proof that says that when he did have those nasties it was us who sold him the feckin' things anyway! Now that the USA has taken the only copy it's likely to come back with large chunks of juicy stuff missing.

Iraq's long declaration of its past weapons programs is expected to include names of foreign suppliers, disclosures that may be embarrassing for nations on the U.N. Security Council.

A table of contents, circulated to the Security Council on Monday, says Iraq listed "procurements" of its nuclear programs as well as imported chemical precursors and foreign technical assistance for its chemical arms programs.

Under biological weapons, the index says 33 pages are devoted to "acquisition of equipment, material, supplies and empty munitions containers for all phases of the program."

The table, contained in a covering letter from Baghdad's Foreign Minister Naji Sabri, lists all of Iraq's banned weapons programs, but does not indicate if any arms were procured after U.N. sanctions were imposed in August 1990.

In the past, sensitive information, has not been disclosed by U.N. weapons inspection units. Companies around the world, which cooperated with the United Nations did so on condition they not be identified publicly, although the United States and others are presumed to have access to such information.

But this time all 15 Security Council members are to get the report, which means it could leak to the press quickly.

Full story...

Iraq accuses US of "banditry" over UN arms dossier
US swaps secrets for uncut arms report
How did Iraq get its weapons? We sold them
Iraq Indicates Names of Arms Suppliers in Document
Turkey Sends Thousands of Troops To Iraq Border
Carter warns against 'catastrophic' war
UN row erupts over Iraq dossier
Bush has little intention of playing by the book
United States takes possession of Iraqi declaration as inspectors pore over contents
U.S. Given Copy of Iraqi Arms Papers
Iraq file lists suppliers of dangerous arms
Blair signals readiness to act against Iraq - But will Tony be going himself???

posted by ewar @ 6:25 PM

Iraq Indicates Names of Arms Suppliers in Document
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Top 11 reasons O'Neill and Lindsey were resigned.

Funny as hell, if you haven't already this site is well worth a visit...


11. O'Neill begins every conversation with "when I was on tour with Bono..."

10. War with Iraq: $200 billion. Releasing estimate of cost of war with Iraq while Dubya trying to appear circumspect about prospect of war: priceless.

9. Elaine Chao couldn't finally couldn't fudge the unemployment figure below 6% so what's a few more.

8. Needed Christmas jobs for Neil Bush and Ken Lay.

7. Health: prolonged exposure to aluminum oxide causes O'Neill to suggest that recovering economy might not require additional tax cuts.

6. Needed to make cuts to secretly reinstate cash bonuses to thousands of political appointees (a practice Clinton had eliminated).

5. Dubya can't abide fat people like Lindsey. (Sad but true!

4. Karl Rove decided that O'Neill and Lindsey needed to spend more time with their families.

3. Needed a story big enough to cover lingering fallout over Kissinger appointment.

2. Don't ask, don't tell.

1. Maybe the Al Gore, Tom Daschle and the rest of the Democrats were right.

posted by ewar @ 4:41 PM

Top 11 reasons O'Neill and Lindsey were resigned.
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WTC Surveillance Tapes Feared Missing

Here we have yet another story to add to the 9/11 collection, the evidence is being systematically destroyed from these documents to the rubble of the towers themselves. I guess The System is hoping that if there's no proof then it doesn't matter what we "conspiracy kooks" think... If you can't detect the aroma of a very large and smelly rodent then there's defintely something wrong with your nose.

Surveillance tapes and maintenance logs are among the missing evidence as investigators try to figure out why the World Trade Center collapsed, federal officials said Monday.

Many documents destroyed in the disaster "are pretty key in carrying out the work," lead investigator Shyam Sunder said.

The 110-story towers collapsed after two hijacked jetliners plowed into the buildings in lower Manhattan on Sept. 11, 2001. Nearly 2,800 people were killed.

Two hypotheses on the cause of the collapse have emerged since the National Institute of Standards and Technology began its $23 million probe three months ago.

Full story...

The World Trade Center Demolition and the So-Called War on Terrorism
9/11 Myths and Reality
Stranger Than Fiction

posted by ewar @ 3:30 PM

WTC Surveillance Tapes Feared Missing
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Who Is Watching the American Roof?

Written by someone who understands the issues and manages to convey that understanding with a mixture of satire and wit, must read material.

by Doug McIntosh

I wonder what it would be like to be a middle ages peasant whose entire lifetime of information equals about what I get in a good five hour Internet session. Mind you, our society is heading toward serfdom at a rapid clip. The people are ready. Michael Jackson dangles a baby off a five story hotel balcony, while in Berlin to accept an award for "service to children" no less. Another young man from Yacolt, Washington not only has a pet rattlesnake, but felt compelled to kiss it, with nearly fatal results. Plus our esteemed President Pretzel was officially called a "moron" by a senior aide to the Canadian Prime Minister. Yet another educational survey found that our young people don't know anything at all except how to drool at Britney Spears. The globalists have won the first round hands down I think. From the moron in charge, to the morons all around me it's obvious to me that the final phase has begun. We are, if nothing else, reaching a critical mass of sheer stupidity that is truly awe inspiring to watch unfold. The gene pool has been drained; daily life consists of all the dying things wiggling around in their oxygen deprived and media covered glory. Maybe we should just call America: Jackass the society and get it over with.

Stupidity and corruption reign unmolested everywhere in both the American and global economic sphere. The American stock investors have lost nearly 8 trillion dollars in value; yet, they still haven't figured out the game is rigged. We just had a rally based on October retail sales not doing anything at all. They neither went up, or down, but stayed flat and that sparked 143 billion in fiat money profit. This stock rally was based on the idea that since a 1.3% drop in September was bad; then, doing nothing in October must be good. I realize Wall Street is a $340 billion business based on lies, cheating and conning people, but really. Mr. Pitt is no longer with us and he has taken Mr. Webster with him. Mr. Pitt's fatal mistake reflects something I learned in the United States Army nearly thirty years ago. I call it the burn ratio. If a private's actions are like a bic lighter and embarrass a sergeant, then the sergeant will take a flame thrower and toast the private. An officer will use a napalm bomb on both the private and the sergeant.. Mr. Pitt made President Bush look like more of a moron than he truly is. For that, the Prez sent in one of those CIA predators and unleashed a missile that left Mr. Pitt out of a job.

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posted by ewar @ 2:54 PM

Who Is Watching the American Roof?
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It's time to take risks

It's easy to simply follow orders and pull a trigger, what takes super-human courage is to stand up for what you think is right, even though you know the people you are exposing could quite easily have you killed. There should be more people in the world like Daniel Ellsberg...

In 1971, former marine Daniel Ellsberg leaked documents that exposed US government lies and helped end the Vietnam war. He tells Duncan Campbell why he did it, and why he is calling on today's officials to do the same to the Bush regime - and prevent a war in Iraq.

A little more than 30 years ago, the leaking of 7,000 pages of Pentagon documents, which exposed an extraordinary catalogue of lies and duplicity on the part of the US government, helped to bring an end to the war in Vietnam. Daniel Ellsberg, a former marine company commander, who had served in Vietnam, leaked the documents, risking a life sentence to do so. Now he is finally telling the whole story of how he became perhaps the most important whistle-blower of the past half century.

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Secrets: A Memoir of Vietnam and the Pentagon Papers by Daniel Ellsberg

posted by ewar @ 2:06 PM

It's time to take risks
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Mossad - The World's Most Efficient Killing Machine

If you want to understand the Mossad, you must READ VICTOR OSTROVSKY'S BOOKS!!!! The article lends credence to the theory that the Mombasa bombing was an internal operation designed to enable Sharon to take the gloves off the Mossad and give them a reason to join the war on "terror"...

Standing on a canteen table in down-town Tel Aviv, Israel's spymaster studied the men and women of Mossad.

In the few weeks since taking over Mossad, Meir Dagan knew he already commanded something his recent predecessors never managed. Respect.

Barely raising his voice he spoke.

"When I was fighting in Lebanon, I witnessed the aftermath of a family feud. The patriarch's head had been split open, his brain on the floor. Around him lay his wife and some of his children. All dead. Before I could do anything, one of the murderers scooped up a handful of brain and swallowed it. This is how you will all now operate. Otherwise someone will eat your brain."

His every word held them in thrall - even if they sent a shudder through some of his listeners, hardened as they were...

...shortly afterwards came the Mombasa massacre of eleven days ago. An explosive-laden land-cruiser drove into the reception area of the island's Israeli-owned Paradise Hotel.

Fifteen people died and 80 were seriously injured. Two shoulder-fired missiles nearly downed an Israeli passenger plane bringing tourists back to Tel Aviv from Kenya. Two hundred and seventy-five barely missed a Lockerbie-style death.

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Israel pulls a fast one � and gets caught
Palestinians: Israel Faked Gaza Qaeda Presence
PA uncovers Israelis posing as Al-Qaeda agents
Why Did Israeli Sniper Shoot Brit Official In The Back?
Film Excluded from Oscar Competition for Being Palestinian
Israeli officer threatens to attack Mecca, Medina and Qom with nuclear bombs

posted by ewar @ 12:45 PM

Mossad - The World's Most Efficient Killing Machine
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Monday on  

Poisoning the air

They are trying to scare all of us into allowing them to have the power to do whatever they want to do. Don't forget, the first casualty in war is always the truth and as those fascist psycho nazis like to keep pointing out to us, we're in a "war" against "terrorism".

One of the oldest tricks in the run-up to a war is to spread terrifying stories of things that the enemy may be about to do. Government officials plant these tales, journalists water them and the public, for the most part, swallow them.

On November 12, the New York Times reported that Iraq had ordered a million doses of a well known antidote to nerve gas. This information came from "senior Bush administration officials" whom the paper did not name, and was soon regurgitated by other news media across the US and beyond.

Although the New York Times made clear that the drug concerned, atropine, has some perfectly normal medical uses, the story pointed - as the officials who leaked it undoubtedly intended - to a far more sinister conclusion. It implied that Iraq not only possesses nerve gas but intends to use it in a conflict with the US - hence the need to protect its own forces from accidental injury.

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posted by ewar @ 3:06 PM

Poisoning the air
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How 'Conspiracy Kooks' Became More Credible Than the White House

Imagine it, more credible than, I wish!! Anyway, ego aside for a minute, the "mainstream" media shows such a demonstrable lack of credibility I'm not suprised that people are turning to the Internet for news. At least out here in cyberspace you can get the information you need to make your own mind up...

posted by voxfux

"In the next 5 to 10 years, we are all going to live in a global version of Nazi Germany." - David Icke

"Basically, all the conspiracy theories about secret societies wanting to take over the world are wrong." - Daniel Pipes

Anyone who's ever tuned into the History Channel's "Secret Societies" recognizes these quotes from its opening segment. As part of the "History's Mysteries" series, "Secret Societies" is a fun, often sensational journey inside the world of would-be cabals and plots for world domination. Featuring volleyed testimony from various experts, the program mixes factual information and historical trivia with open speculation on the role secret societies may have played in these events. "Do shadowy and clandestine groups really rule the world?" host Arthur Kent campily inquires, before hinting at hidden subtext behind historical moments.

During the 1980 presidential campaign, for example, the History Channel reports that Ronald Reagan repeatedly expressed a distrust of secret societies and promised that Skull and Bonesman, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) member and Trilateral Commission alumni George Bush would not be offered a position in his administration. Yet during the Republican Convention, Reagan broke tradition by making a late-night dash from his hotel room to the convention floor and declaring George Bush his running mate. The Iran hostage situation was miraculously resolved the day Reagan was sworn in.

Ever since Prescott Bush was penalized for trading with the Nazis during World War II and the words "George Bush of the CIA" surfaced on a 1963 FBI report on the JFK assassination, the Bush family has been tied to speculation. And certainly, October Surprises and Iran/Contra add to the intrigue while links between the Bushes and the Hinkleys and Bushes and bin Ladens have not gone unnoticed. Regardless how entertaining this speculation may be, however, reasonable people have historically heard the word "conspiracy" and rejected theories outright -- even those theories that later proved to be true. And given a choice between the conspiracy theorists and debunkers, they've tended to take the road less kooky.

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posted by ewar @ 10:04 AM

How 'Conspiracy Kooks' Became More Credible Than the White House
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By way of deception thou shalt do war...

It's interesting how we hear al Qaeda doing this and bin Laden doing that, then we have Israeli collaborators arrested posing as the same al Qaeda. Still the general populace is denied all the facts, Lincoln - WW2 - JFK - Diana - 911 - Bali - Kenya they're all different links in the same chain of deception, lies and murder. We are being manipulated on a global scale and the people who are supposed to be keeping us informed have either been bought or are complete cowards.

by Mike Rivero

Palestinian security forces have arrested a group of Palestinians for collaborating with Israel and posing as operatives of Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda terrorist network Once again, we see Israel creating the "enemies" we are supposed to be afraid of. Israel's government survives, "By way of deception". And we see that here again. Israel uses Arab collaborators to pose as Al Qaeda. Form now on, every time you here in the media, Al Qaeda" this, or "Al Qaeda" that, you must ask, are we really dealing with another deception by Israel, which has a past history of committing terrorist attacks and framing Arabs for them.

Israel Faked Gaza Al Qaeda Presence
Palestinians: Israel Faked Gaza Al Qaeda Presence Did they do that in New York, too? Remember those "Arab Muslims" who made every effort to attract attention at a strip bar in New York on 9/10/01, who made sure the bar staff would remember who they were, even to the point of leaving copies of their IDs? Is America the victim of the most monstrous hoax in history?

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posted by ewar @ 10:02 AM

By way of deception thou shalt do war...
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Night Of The Living Dead

One by one, in the dead of night, they push ghastly, rotting fingers through dank earth in an effort to grasp something solid and pull themselves up from moldering graves, figures of long-dead flesh, blank-eyed, capable of no feeling save an unnatural hunger that animates and drives them shakily forward. They are the gruesome remains of an earlier time, mysteriously returned to life, once more to exercise their malevolent influence on the planet. They are the Bush appointments -- Cheney, Rumsfeld, Reich, and Poindexter.

And now we have the decayed bulk of Henry Kissinger again lurching into Washington.

Kissinger has been reanimated and assigned to study the causes of what he himself helped create: terrorism.

Well, you might say, if police can use a skillful, lifelong criminal to understand a crime, as they often do, why not use a grotesque monster to understand monstrous events?

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posted by ewar @ 10:00 AM

Night Of The Living Dead
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